Nach dem am 25.08.22 veröffentlichten FATF-Bericht (Quelle: Documents - Financial Action Task Force (FATF) ( besteht nicht unwesentlicher Aufholbedarf in der Geldwäscheprävention in Deutschland. Gegenstand der Betrachtung sind die Einhaltung der Standards gemäß FATF 40 Recommendations sowie die Wirksamkeit der Betroffenen Maßnahmen.
Es lassen sich zusammenfassend mehrere wesentliche Verbesserungspotenziale entnehmen:
"However, there is scope to further improve access and use of financial intelligence held by the FIU and better align FIU analysis with the operational needs of law enforcement authorities (LEAs)"
"However, it is not clear that this commitment [commitment to investigating and prosecuting ML at the policy level] has fully translated into results at the operational level. The overall number of ML cases that progress to prosecution is lower than expected and is not fully aligned with Germany’s risk profile"
"[...] cross-border cash smuggling risks (particularly through mail and cargo) are not well recognised"
"The overall amounts [regarding TF] frozen are low compared to the total amounts raised in Germany"
"DNFBPs [Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions], including some entities in higher risk sectors (such as legal professionals, notaries, REAs, DPMS), face challenges implementing preventive measures. There are major shortcomings in suspicious transaction reporting (STR), which is particularly low for non-bank FIs and DNFBPs."
"[...] there is a low level of independent BaFin supervisory activity in some higher risk non-bank sectors. A range of remedial measures are applied, some of which are used to positive effect. However, in particular cases, measures have not ensured prompt remediation of non-compliance or the prevention of repeated breaches."
"[...] accurate and up-to-date BO [beneficial ownership] information was not yet consistently available at the time of the on-site and there will be a substantial transition period before all entities, particularly civil law partnerships, will be covered by the regime.
Der Bericht kommt ferner zu dem Schluss, dass größere Finanzinstitutionen, und hierbei insbesondere Großbanken, ein gutes Verständnis hinsichtlich des individuellen Geldwäsche- und Terrorismusfinanzierungsrisikos haben und angemessene Sicherungsmaßnahmen anwenden.
Die vorgenannten Zitate wurden aus der Zusammenfassung des FATF Mutual Evaluation Report Germany 2022 entnommen (Quelle: MUTUAL EVALUATION REPORT OF GERMANY (